There I was, a new business owner, searching for new things for the business to make my soap more visually appealing. Scrolling through a website, I saw a listing on the powder used to color soap, it said "Products like this: fiberglass" Now usually I wouldn't have put much thought into it, but as I said, I had just started my business, I was and still am very aware of what I put on my skin due to allergies, nevertheless I thought "How interesting that the powder used to color soap can be compared to fiberglass. I don't really want something like that in my products! Fiberglass definitely isn't good on your skin."
I settled with my soap not being as visually appealing as other's because I can trust every ingredient I put in my soap, I don't have to worry about a skin reaction to a product that is "like fiberglass". Sure, you can go somewhere else and get a beautifully crafted soap for 3 times what I charge for a bar of soap, you can also not know what it is that you're putting on your skin. Personally, I would rather know the products I am using are safe rather than visually appealing! Just because we don't use dyes in our products doesn't mean it makes our products less enjoyable, it just means they're safer for our everyday consumer!
So, if you're looking for decorative soaps, we're not the right business, but if you're looking for great smelling, high quality, moisturizing soap that's great for your skin, you've come to the right place!
I stand by my amazing products, I use them every day! Pick your product. Pick your scent. It's that easy!
